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Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SV-PRO)

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office would like to acknowledge that we are in the traditional homeland of the Mi'kmaq People.

Want to Talk?

SV-PRO is here to listen and to help you explore your options.

Visit: Kelley Memorial Building, Room 115–118, call 902-620-5090.


If you have been impacted by sexual violence, know that it's not your fault.

We support you!

UPEI's Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SV-PRO) is a safe and confidential space for students, staff, and faculty who have experienced sexual violence to obtain support.

No matter when, where, or what form the sexual violence took, let us connect you with services that are trauma-informed and suited to your individual needs.

The SV-PRO is committed to fostering a culture of consent on campus by supporting survivors and providing the University Community with education and awareness around issues of sexual and gender-based violence. We all share the responsibility of ending sexual violence.

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Emergency numbers